Understanding autism and early intervention can change a child''s life forever.
Early intervention is beneficial for all children, regardless of severity.
Without intervention, children may struggle more as they age.
If your child shows delays in speech, social skills, or motor skills, an assessment can provide clarity.
Object Permanence: Child demonstrates a full understanding that objects or people still exist when they are not visible (e.g., searching for a hidden toy or asking about a caregiver who left the room). Engages in games or activities that involve object permanence concepts, such as hide-and-seek or peek-a-boo, with confidence and enjoyment. Displays secure emotional attachment, understanding that caregivers will return after brief absences.
Object Permanence: Child shows some understanding of object permanence but may need prompts to search for hidden objects or recognize the continuity of people or things. Occasionally shows distress or confusion when a caregiver or object is out of sight but calms down with reassurance or explanation. Demonstrates emerging skills in activities involving hidden or absent objects but may lose interest or need guidance.
Object Permanence: Child struggles significantly to understand that objects or people still exist when out of sight, often becoming distressed or giving up quickly when something is hidden. Avoids or fails to engage in activities that rely on object permanence, such as searching for a toy or playing hide-and-seek. Displays ongoing insecurity or confusion during separations, indicating a need for structured support or intervention to develop object permanence skills.
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